HIPAA-compliant video visits across any communication platform.


Use skype Skype, facetime_icon FaceTime, or  Google Hangouts to deliver telemedicine today.

Capture your patient's loyalty with an intuitive video appointment service powered by SimpleVisit.


Expand your reach of care with an innovative and pain-free solution for telemedicine.

Get started with a trial or choose a subscription from our PRICING PAGE.

See SimpleVisit in action. Schedule a test appointment to SEE FOR YOURSELF.

Find out how SimpleVIsit is working to improve access to care ON OUR BLOG.

Televisits on Skype, FaceTime, and Hangouts

SimpleVisit allows healthcare providers to safely communicate with patients using familiar applications such as FaceTime, Skype and Google Hangouts. Our patented Symphony™ technology allows HIPAA-compliant video visits across multiple communication platforms. A doctor using Skype on a desktop can now conduct a secure video visit with a patient using FaceTime on a smartphone.

Live Coordinator for Every Visit

Each televisit appointment is managed by one of our SimpleVisit Coordinators to ensure a seamless experience for both the patient and provider. Our team of operators are trained to serve as an extension of the practice’s brand while preparing patients for their session.

Video visits are initiated by a SimpleVisit Coordinator with a call to the patient’s and provider’s smartphone, tablet or PC. The Coordinator greets the patient in preparation for the appointment and then connects the call once the provider is ready.

Deliver Virtual Visits Tomorrow

SimpleVisit is a powerful televisit solution that expands care options and delivers a consistently positive patient experience. We enable the provider to host multi-party video calls that can include family members, language interpreters, and specialists in their visits when needed. Detailed usage reports are provided for billing, auditing, and compliance purposes. Providers also have the option to record visits for research and peer review if they would like.

SimpleVisit is the quickest path to offering video visits. With no hardware or software to install, providers can begin their next televisit within 24 hours.

5 Reasons to be Thankful for Telemedicine

5 Reasons to be Thankful for Telemedicine

As we are all recovering from stuffing ourselves with turkey and pie and families are enjoying a chance to gather for this uniquely American holiday, we here at SimpleVisit would like to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! To celebrate, we want to share with you the top 5...

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[Feature Update] SimpleVisit Online Schedule

[Feature Update] SimpleVisit Online Schedule

Introducing Updates to our Online Scheduling FeatureStep 1: Select Your Time Zone The first step is to select the time zone in which you are located.  This will then launch the calendar showing the appropriate hours of operation.Step 2: Select Appointment Date and...

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Opioid Crisis Response Package Signed into Law

Opioid Crisis Response Package Signed into Law

With everything going on in the news, drama with politics and the holidays approaching, a momentous breakthrough for our current healthcare crisis happened without so much as a whisper in the general press. On October 24th President Trump signed into law a completely...

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Learn just how simple, flexible and friendly televisits can be with SimpleVisit.

SimpleVisit® empowers practices to expand its reach of care through telemedicine. This unique service implements a live coordinator connecting doctors and patients using almost any video platform in a secure and HIPAA-compliant virtual visit.  Call (877) 83-VISIT or email info@simplevisit.com to learn more.