Integrate FaceTime with your Telemedicine Program
SimpleVisit opens up the possibility for any telemedicine program to securely bridge with Apple’s FaceTime and other common video calling applications.
Everyone deserves easy and accessible video visits.
“I recently opened my pediatric clinic in Colorado and wanted to implement telemedicine immediately. We started off using a company that touted ease of use, Athena integration, and reasonable prices; only to find out it was the opposite… Before I gave up, I looked at SimpleVisit. I am SO glad I did! Rob and his team are amazing and got us set up quickly. I think the best parts are the live operators and the speedy connection with my patients – and I don’t have to do anything except provide care. The video quality is excellent. I highly recommend SimpleVisit!!”
– Dr. Phipps, Mainstreet Pediatrics

One-Step Telemedicine Experience
Reduce the complexity of connecting to care over video. With SimpleVisit, your patients receive a direct call over a video calling app they already have access to.
The only HIPAA-compliant solution able to bridge any of these common video calling apps →

Introducing: SimpleVisit Account Manager!
Feature Release | 4 min read | August 20, 2020At SimpleVisit we are dedicated to helping healthcare providers offer telemedicine services in the most user-friendly way humanly possible. With that aim in mind, we are launching our new SimpleVisit Account Manager! This...
Using Google Duo for Telemedicine
Feature Release | 4 min read | July 17, 2020 Did you know that you can use common video calling applications for telemedicine appointments? You don’t have to purchase new equipment, learn new programs, or train staff on how to use a new application or EMR feature. The...
The Journey Back: Part 1
Allie Clark | 10 min read | June 30, 2020The world has changed drastically. Seemingly overnight, we were overwhelmed by a deadly pandemic with no end in sight. The economy, daily life, and, yes, medical care had been up-ended in the wake of COVID-19. But where fear...
Stay informed with news and notes on telemedicine innovation.